A Survey of the Insect Pest and Their Natural Enemy in Rice Growing Area of Central Gondar, Ethiopia


  • Geteneh Mitku Ethiopia Institute of Agricultural Research, Fogera Center


rice insect, survey, insect natural enemy, farmers perception


The study was carried out in the rice-growing area of Central Gondar in 2020 to evaluate the incidence and distribution of insect pests on rice crops. Insect pests were determined by the visual search for damages done by insects throughout the field. The current survey found insect pests: Creatonatus spp., stalk-eyed fly, stem borer, leafhopper, and sting bugs. Additionally, the study found natural enemies of insect pests, including, dragonflies and spiders. The farmers perceived that rice crops are less attacked by insects and diseases than other crops currently they grow. Very few farmers used insecticide for rice storage pest control; when they want to store for more than 7 months. Low rice yield loss due to insect pests in the study area may be due to their low dependence on pesticides for insect and disease control, which enhance conservation biological control.


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How to Cite

Mitku, G. . (2020). A Survey of the Insect Pest and Their Natural Enemy in Rice Growing Area of Central Gondar, Ethiopia. International Journal of Natural Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends, 8(01), 1–9. Retrieved from https://ijnscfrtjournal.isrra.org/index.php/Natural_Sciences_Journal/article/view/1002


